What’s the most incredible or unusual thing you might find in your backyard? Say you pick up a metal detector and find an old coin, or perhaps comes across an arrowhead. That’s all well and good, but nothing even comes close to what two California boys found in 1978.
Because these kids found a Ferrari !
This is the front yard in a Los Angeles neighborhood where the vehicular treasure was discovered in early February of 1978.
A new family had just moved into the house when their two boys struck gold. The family called the authorities, and an excavation began. It turned out that the car was actually an insanely valuable 1974 Ferrari Dino 246 GTS.
The car had been poorly mummified with towels and cloths. It was obvious that someone wanted to come back for it. But who? And why did they bury it?
After an investigation by the police, the nefarious reason as to why it was down there was discovered.
The previous owners hired criminals to drive the car into the ocean so they could claim the insurance money. But those thieves hid the car in the ground in hopes of coming back for it.
With the mystery solved and the car making headlines all over the nation, it was auctioned off to the highest bidder. A mechanic with his own shop bought it and restored it.
The gorgeous car was like new again, except this Ferrari had a story unlike any other.
In addition to entering the buried Ferrari in car shows, the new owner put a vanity plate on it that read “Dug Up.”
Not a bad thing to find just lying right under your front yard.
Well, that doesn’t happen everyday. What a story.
Share this incredible discovery with your friends below!
Funny World
If You Thought Horses Couldn’t Get Any More Gorgeous, You Need To See What These People Do.
#1 Horse Art
Workers at the JMC Equestrian center in the U.K have taken animal grooming to a NEW LEVEL! Just when you thought horses couldn't get any more gorgeous...
#2 Winter Grooming
Horses are groomed in the winter to prevent excess sweating, as their fur can be extremely hot!#3 Fancy Grooming
So why not get creative while shaving the horses?
5 Awesome & Crazy Bike Mods (Photo Gallery)
Most people have seen tandem (two-seater) bikes, penny farthing (old-timey) bikes, and even tall bikes (exactly what they sound like), but these crazy bike mods make those tried-and-true models look downright boring.
1 The Dino Trike
Who wants to wrangle a dinosaur without having to head to Jurassic Park? Check out this awesome T-Rex trike that was recently for sale on Craigslist. The rider can even make the old bag of bones open her mouth and turn her head. (Source)
2 Bison Bike
Whether you love the bison of the American West, or you just miss the shag carpeting of the '70s, we're pretty sure you'll love this bison bike spotted in Copenhagen. I sure hope they keep it out of the rain, or it might just start smelling like a real bison.(Source)
3 Camper Bike
Plenty of people bike through the wilderness and camp out in tents. However, full-size camping trailers have been reserved for those using automobiles. Artist Kevin Cyr's camper bike finally gives cyclists the freedom to travel with a proper bed, kitchen, and entertainment center.(Source)
4 Game Controller Handlebars
Looking for a way to get gamers outside? Try making a bike with a controller in place of the handlebars. Sure, the buttons won't do anything, but maybe just having something familiar in their hands will be enough to keep people off the console and in the sunshine. (Source)
5 Shoe Cycle
This crazy bike uses a series of shoes attached to sturdy spokes to simulate walking without ever putting your feet on the ground. This clever creation also appeared at a Tour de Fat bike festival in San Francisco in 2008.(Source)
1 The Dino Trike
Who wants to wrangle a dinosaur without having to head to Jurassic Park? Check out this awesome T-Rex trike that was recently for sale on Craigslist. The rider can even make the old bag of bones open her mouth and turn her head. (Source)
2 Bison Bike
Whether you love the bison of the American West, or you just miss the shag carpeting of the '70s, we're pretty sure you'll love this bison bike spotted in Copenhagen. I sure hope they keep it out of the rain, or it might just start smelling like a real bison.(Source)
3 Camper Bike
Plenty of people bike through the wilderness and camp out in tents. However, full-size camping trailers have been reserved for those using automobiles. Artist Kevin Cyr's camper bike finally gives cyclists the freedom to travel with a proper bed, kitchen, and entertainment center.(Source)
4 Game Controller Handlebars
Looking for a way to get gamers outside? Try making a bike with a controller in place of the handlebars. Sure, the buttons won't do anything, but maybe just having something familiar in their hands will be enough to keep people off the console and in the sunshine. (Source)
5 Shoe Cycle
This crazy bike uses a series of shoes attached to sturdy spokes to simulate walking without ever putting your feet on the ground. This clever creation also appeared at a Tour de Fat bike festival in San Francisco in 2008.(Source)
Life Hacks And Useful Tips That Would Make Your Life Heaven (Photo Gallery)
Human creativity never ceases to amaze me! Here we have yet some more useful tips to take advantage of.
#1 Bread tab.
How come I never thought of this?!
#2 Shoe cupholdler.
Well, there may be a thing about hygiene here...
#3 Pool noodles all year long.
Great idea!
#4 Better on the soft side.
Of bread.
#5 Packing.
A suitcase is much better for books than a box!
#6 Chapsticks.
I like this one!
Man spent 9 years being trapped on the island is now rescued because of Google Earth!
If you have ever watched the movie, Cast Away, you would know that how Tom Hank spent long time on a deserted island. Here is a similar story about Adam Jones, who spent almost 9 years being trapped on a deserted island, but with the help of Google Earth, he was rescued recently! Here is how he spent 9 years there!
The Voyage
Adam Jones set off for a journey in 2006, along with his 2 friends, starting from Liverpool, their home, to Hawaii. In between they had to cross Atlantic Ocean and the Panama Canal. As they reached in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, a monstrous storm struck their boat violently, and damaged it along with their electronic equipment. His friends went overboard while Adam was knocked by the storm unconscious for about 17 days, and he kept drifting in the ocean.
Surviving the days in the beginning!
Adam spent 2 weeks on his boat but he built on his own the water trapping contrivance on it, and this way he saved a lot of water whenever it rained. At first he built a makeshift shelter out of boat debris, but it was collapsed and then he made a solid shelter. Using a clam shell, he brought a tree down in the span of 11 weeks. He somehow learnt how to make fire, and hence light in the dark!
Hunting for food!
Adam obviously had to hunt animals on the island for his survival, and he also found 8 wild goats there, but he couldn’t hunt them without any weapon. He tried to hunt them with his own made bow and arrow, but in vain. Fortunately he found a goat trapped in the bushes. After somehow killing it, he got 50 kg of meat from it.
He worked for his physical fitness!
Adam told that in order to stay fit, he used to do exercise daily on the beach, including push-ups, chin-ups using a tree branch, and he did squats having boulders over his shoulders. Also, he ran every day for about 300 meter on the beach.
The frustration and feeling of being lonely!
Adam said that the most difficult part of his survival was his fight with his brain. The feeling of being lonely, and the depression he felt whenever he thought that nobody would ever come to help, almost made him dead from inside. At first he made an SOS sign about 10 feet high, but no one came there. Then he decided to empty a large area on the beach and wrote there “SOS”. He always hoped that someday, some aircraft would fly form here and will see this sign and he will eventually be rescued. He couldn’t do anything except to have a strong hope and to never give up.
And there came the rescue team! FINALLY!
One day Adam heard loud noise of planes flying over him, he ran in the empty area and waved them, luckily they saw him and dropped a packet for Adam. The packet had a radio, fresh water, food, and some first-aid items in it. As he turned the radio on to talk to the pilot, he felt extremely happy to hear human voice after 9 years. He asked them how they reached there, they told him that a child living in Minnesota found his SOS sign on Google Earth and told the authorities that he was in need of help.
Even after being found, he waited for about 5 days because the boat took time to reach that island. Eventually, the lucky man was rescued from the unknown island on which he lived like a home for 9 years.
The Voyage
Adam Jones set off for a journey in 2006, along with his 2 friends, starting from Liverpool, their home, to Hawaii. In between they had to cross Atlantic Ocean and the Panama Canal. As they reached in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, a monstrous storm struck their boat violently, and damaged it along with their electronic equipment. His friends went overboard while Adam was knocked by the storm unconscious for about 17 days, and he kept drifting in the ocean.
Surviving the days in the beginning!
Adam spent 2 weeks on his boat but he built on his own the water trapping contrivance on it, and this way he saved a lot of water whenever it rained. At first he built a makeshift shelter out of boat debris, but it was collapsed and then he made a solid shelter. Using a clam shell, he brought a tree down in the span of 11 weeks. He somehow learnt how to make fire, and hence light in the dark!
Hunting for food!
Adam obviously had to hunt animals on the island for his survival, and he also found 8 wild goats there, but he couldn’t hunt them without any weapon. He tried to hunt them with his own made bow and arrow, but in vain. Fortunately he found a goat trapped in the bushes. After somehow killing it, he got 50 kg of meat from it.
He worked for his physical fitness!
Adam told that in order to stay fit, he used to do exercise daily on the beach, including push-ups, chin-ups using a tree branch, and he did squats having boulders over his shoulders. Also, he ran every day for about 300 meter on the beach.
The frustration and feeling of being lonely!
Adam said that the most difficult part of his survival was his fight with his brain. The feeling of being lonely, and the depression he felt whenever he thought that nobody would ever come to help, almost made him dead from inside. At first he made an SOS sign about 10 feet high, but no one came there. Then he decided to empty a large area on the beach and wrote there “SOS”. He always hoped that someday, some aircraft would fly form here and will see this sign and he will eventually be rescued. He couldn’t do anything except to have a strong hope and to never give up.
And there came the rescue team! FINALLY!
One day Adam heard loud noise of planes flying over him, he ran in the empty area and waved them, luckily they saw him and dropped a packet for Adam. The packet had a radio, fresh water, food, and some first-aid items in it. As he turned the radio on to talk to the pilot, he felt extremely happy to hear human voice after 9 years. He asked them how they reached there, they told him that a child living in Minnesota found his SOS sign on Google Earth and told the authorities that he was in need of help.
Even after being found, he waited for about 5 days because the boat took time to reach that island. Eventually, the lucky man was rescued from the unknown island on which he lived like a home for 9 years.
Cumberland Log Cabin Kit from $16,348
While many people around the world are looking for a more sustainable form of building houses, there is a way that has been around for centuries that we can still use today! Take this gorgeous log cabin for example, this log home would be the perfect home for the whole family. The wonderful thing about log homes is that they have so many benefits over conventional dry wall homes.
Log homes and cabins are very sustainable, as they are made from renewable materials that come from the Earth. Most of the logs used to build these log homes and cabins come from sustainable tree plantations, where the trees are used for their wood, and then more are planted in their place to grow into more trees for more logs. This is a better way of going about this process, rather than just chopping down any tree, so that we can keep the ancient growth forests alive, with their habitats thriving.
Amish Cabin Company, is a log cabin kit building company that provides log cabin kits. The company works with their customers to provide a size and style of cabin that will suit the customer's needs and desires, and they have a phone line that you can call, so you can speak to someone directly on the phone.
They provide all of the materials needed to build the log cabin that you purchase, and will be happy to help you with anything else you may need assistance with too. They also have a great and informative Frequently Asked Questions section that you can look at any time to answer any questions you may have.
This particular home, The Cumberland Log Cabin, is a cozy and simple, log home. It features multiple bedrooms or office and a bedroom, and bathrooms. There is also potential for a beautiful deck to be built at the front of the home. It is perfect for a couple or a single family, or to use as a recreation property. You can also check out the other larger floor plans on their website. It could also be used as a rental unit on your property.
Log homes are not only a great and sustainable home to buy, they are one of the most sturdy houses you can build. They are also very energy efficient, since the thermal mass of the logs is so high and they make wonderful insulators. The logs also act as air filters, filtering out some of the bad toxins in the air, which conventional homes don't do. Over all log homes are amazing and a wonderful choice of building that will last a lifetime!
Source : Cumberland Log Cabin Kit from $16,348
While many people around the world are looking for a more sustainable form of building houses, there is a way that has been around for centuries that we can still use today! Take this gorgeous log cabin for example, this log home would be the perfect home for the whole family. The wonderful thing about log homes is that they have so many benefits over conventional dry wall homes.
Log homes and cabins are very sustainable, as they are made from renewable materials that come from the Earth. Most of the logs used to build these log homes and cabins come from sustainable tree plantations, where the trees are used for their wood, and then more are planted in their place to grow into more trees for more logs. This is a better way of going about this process, rather than just chopping down any tree, so that we can keep the ancient growth forests alive, with their habitats thriving.
Amish Cabin Company, is a log cabin kit building company that provides log cabin kits. The company works with their customers to provide a size and style of cabin that will suit the customer's needs and desires, and they have a phone line that you can call, so you can speak to someone directly on the phone.
They provide all of the materials needed to build the log cabin that you purchase, and will be happy to help you with anything else you may need assistance with too. They also have a great and informative Frequently Asked Questions section that you can look at any time to answer any questions you may have.
This particular home, The Cumberland Log Cabin, is a cozy and simple, log home. It features multiple bedrooms or office and a bedroom, and bathrooms. There is also potential for a beautiful deck to be built at the front of the home. It is perfect for a couple or a single family, or to use as a recreation property. You can also check out the other larger floor plans on their website. It could also be used as a rental unit on your property.
Log homes are not only a great and sustainable home to buy, they are one of the most sturdy houses you can build. They are also very energy efficient, since the thermal mass of the logs is so high and they make wonderful insulators. The logs also act as air filters, filtering out some of the bad toxins in the air, which conventional homes don't do. Over all log homes are amazing and a wonderful choice of building that will last a lifetime!
Source : Cumberland Log Cabin Kit from $16,348
Having a bad day? These hilarious fails will cheer you up
Being a celebrity is not easy. They always need to look glamorous. But more often than not, it’s the Photoshop that helps them hiding their flaws.
These 5 photo shopped images will tell you the real truth behind the glamorous industry.

These 5 photo shopped images will tell you the real truth behind the glamorous industry.
1. Toilet fail
3. If you need some horsepower, the drink this.
4. You had one job!
5. Another gas station disaster
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